Saturday, October 14, 2006

Some Firsts

[posted by Dad]

My first time in the stroller was with my dad. I was not even a week old when he buckled me in. He then whisked me around the down stairs of the house, and brought me to the kitchen. Every else ate. My mommy, daddy, and grandma all ate. I started to get hungry * just watching them!

My first time playing the piano was also with my dad. He helped me push down on the keys, they are big and heavy. I first played with my hands. After only a short while, I got smart and started using my feet * that was much easier.

My first diaper change was by my yaya on the very day I was born. My second was only minutes later. I've become an expert at dirtying diapers.

I had my first Holy Communion on the 30th of September; a lot of people were there. I took a bath first (Baptism), and was anointed with oils (Chrismation) first. My mommy, daddy, both my aunts, and all four of my grandparents were there. My uncle was not able to attend because he needed to go to a Virginia Tech football game. My Godparents are Mr. & Mrs. Paolo Munoz. They came; so did thier son, CJ.

My first sports outfit that I wore was my Virginia Tech outfit. I also wore Virginia Tech socks.

My first (NPTCGs) nonparental temporary care givers were my yaya and my papou. We hung out for a couple hours about a week or so after I was born. My second NPTCGs were my auntie Katie, and her friend Aaron. They hung out with me about a week after that.

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